The Comfort of Orange

For some odd reason, I seem to find comfort in Orange things.

I actually dislike the color orange, red, yellow … things in that “earth tone” category.  I’m more of a “jewel tone” kind of person.  So I don’t seek orange for the actual color.  And not everything that is orange tastes like oranges.  An example of that is carrots.  See what I mean?

When I was little, I loved Orange Crush.  If given the choice, I picked that every time.  I grew up referring to all carbonated beverages as “coke”.  I like Coke.  If I wound up with a Coke, that was fine.  But what I really wanted was Orange Crush.

Whenever I was with Daddy and we stopped at a convenience store, he would ask if I wanted something to drink and I would reply “Coke, please”.  And he would always bring me Orange Crush.  I didn’t even realize what was happening … I was saying one thing but he knew what I meant … until I have gotten older and remembered this.  Recently I asked him about it.  He just laughed and said, “I brought you Orange Crush because I knew that was what you really wanted.”  How about that?!  He was reading my mind and paying attention to what I liked.  He is a good Daddy.

I have always loved the flavor of orange in juice and sodas.  So they’re definitely on my list of comfort items (although I buy sugar-free/diet wherever possible).  But I also seem to gravitate to other orange drinks/foods that seem to be comforting for me.  When I feel bad and sickly and tired I seem to choose: orange crush, orange juice, cheese toast, cheddar cheese, cheese & peanut butter crackers, yellow grits with cheese in them, spaghetti-Os with cheese, orange yogurt, orange sherbet, carrots, Cheetos, Kraft Mac & Cheese, nectarines and peaches, etc.  There’s more but I don’t need to create a complete list for you.

This is so weird.

When my husband was in Hospice, I was guzzling any diet orange sodas I could find and I ate so many Cheetos that my fingers were stained orange.  My stomach was so upset those last few weeks before he died, the only thing I could keep down was Spaghetti-Os.  My Momma was staying with me and she was so dismayed that I couldn’t eat anything “healthy” even though she was cooking good food for us all.  But I would look at that food and feel so sick I would have to leave the kitchen.  Then she would relent and make me Spaghetti-Os.  Bless her heart.

I wonder what this orange-thing is all about.  I wonder why, and when, it was that I associated “comfort” with “orange”.  But I’m too tired and brain-weary to do anything about it or to investigate it thoroughly.  I’m so zoned out right now in this zombie-widow-existence that I am just instinctively doing what works … buying Cheetos, cheese, and orange soda. 

It takes what it takes.

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